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If you are currently unable to adopt a cat in need but still want to help, you can sponsor a resident here at the sanctuary!

Your contribution means that cats in desperate situations are given safety, medical attention, a warm bed, daily meals and love and attention

       Some cats only need a sponsor until they find a loving adopter, and some are permanent residents if they have special needs or difficulties with behaviour. Either way, no cat should be returned to a life on the streets, but they need your financial support to stay here...

Erik's sponsor says:
"Being a sponsor makes me feel like I'm part of an inspiring project, saving lives!"


Each Fauna Mountain Sponsor receives a digital certificate of sponsorship with the person's name (which you can print and frame if you're giving as a gift). Sponsorship is £19.50 / €22 / $23.50 per month either via bank standing order or via Patreon - click here

The sponsor receives a monthly e-newsletter about what's been happening at the sanctuary and you can request photos or ask questions about the animal you sponsor!

Take a look through the gallery of residents in need of sponsorship to stay here at the sanctuary. 

Which of these glorious characters speaks to you the most?!

All new intakes to the rescue/sanctuary will need to be sponsored, so there'll always be more coming...!

If the animal of your choice already has a sponsor, you will become a medical sponsor which is vital for those ongoing vet bills!

To become a sponsor, complete the enquiry form below and I'll get back to you asap:

Sponsorship enquiry

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